In computer science, data structures and algorithms, or DSAs, are the foundation of effective problem-solving. Python is an excellent option for learning and practicing DSA concepts because it is a flexible and approachable language for beginners. Doing DSA problems is essential for gaining a thorough grasp of how various algorithms and data structures operate, whether you're honing your coding abilities or getting ready for technical interviews.In computer science, data structures and algorithms, or DSAs, are the foundation of effective problem-solving.
Python is an excellent option for learning and practicing DSA concepts because it is a flexible and approachable language for beginners. Doing DSA problems is essential for gaining a thorough grasp of how various algorithms and data structures operate, whether you're honing your coding abilities or getting ready for technical interviews.
Mastering DSA in Python
Here are 30 of the best AI prompts for practicing and learning Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) in Python. These cover a range of topics from basic data structures to advanced algorithms, helping you master core DSA concepts.
1. Write a Python class to implement a stack. Implement methods for `push()`, `pop()`, `peek()`, and `isEmpty()`.
2. Implement a queue using two stacks. You should be able to perform `enqueue()` and `dequeue()` operations efficiently.
3. Write a class for a singly linked list with methods for `insert_at_beginning()`, `insert_at_end()`, `delete()`, and `display()`.
4. Write a Python function to reverse a singly linked list without using extra space.
5. Implement a function to detect if a given linked list contains a cycle using Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare algorithm.
6. Write a Python class to implement a doubly linked list with operations like `insert()`, `delete()`, and `traverse()`.
7. Write a simple HashMap class that uses a list of buckets and implements basic operations such as `put()`, `get()`, and `remove()`.
8. Implement a function to find the middle element of a linked list in one pass.
9. Write a Python function to merge two sorted linked lists into one sorted linked list.
10. Write a function that checks whether a string is a palindrome using a stack.
11. Implement a Binary Search Tree (BST) in Python with methods for `insert()`, `delete()`, `find()`, and `inorder_traversal()`.
12. Write a function to find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of two nodes in a binary search tree.
13. Write a function to check if a binary tree is balanced (height difference between left and right subtrees should be no more than 1).
14. Write a class for a Trie and implement methods for inserting words, searching for a word, and checking if a prefix exists.
15. Implement a priority queue in Python using a binary heap. Implement methods for `insert()`, `delete()`, and `peek()`.
16. Write a function that finds the kth smallest element in a binary search tree.
17. Write an implementation of an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache using a combination of a doubly linked list and a hash map.
18. Write a function that prints the level order traversal of a binary tree.
19. Write a Python class to implement a segment tree. The tree should support range queries and point updates.
20. Write a Python function to find the maximum depth (or height) of a binary tree.
21. Write a Python function to implement the Merge Sort algorithm.
22. Implement the Quick Sort algorithm in Python using the divide-and-conquer approach.
23. Write a function to implement binary search on a sorted array.
24. Write a Python function to find the first and last positions of a given element in a sorted array using binary search.
25. Write a function to sort a stack using recursion (without using any additional data structures).
26. Given a list of numbers from 1 to N with one missing number, write a Python function to find the missing number in O(n) time.
27. Write a Python function to count the number of inversions in an array (using Merge Sort).
28. Write a function to find a peak element in an array where a peak element is greater than or equal to its neighbors.
29. Implement Moore's Voting Algorithm to find the element that appears more than n/2 times in an array.
30. Write a Python function to find the kth largest element in an unsorted array using a max-heap.